This is a bit of a rambler, bear with me. And no I'm not on drugs, can I still blame this on DST? This is sleep deprivation, people, and it's not pretty.
*I always thought that I was OK with tofu. I can't say that I 've eaten it very much, but the times I did it seemed to be OK. However, some recent experiences have made me rethink this. I tried it as a chicken substitute in some Thai curry last summer. I ate a couple of helpings and saved the leftovers for the next night. The next night I struggled to down the tofu and I think I ended up picking some of it out. Lately I've really gotten into
'Chicken Helper' (sorry
Anne, I know you're gagging). The Cheesy Chicken Enchilada flavor is great! However, all-natural chicken is pretty expensive for someone on a budget. So I thought I would try some organic tofu instead of chicken, and I thought the Chicken Fried Rice flavor would probably be the best one to test this out on. Again, not so good and on leftover night I had to just ditch the tofu all together. Tofu, you're out! Arsenic-laced chicken, you're in!
* I'm a regular
Jeopardy! viewer, and sometimes I really find the contestants annoying. This week took the cake, though. Some guy claimed that his name was Lizard. Lizard? C'MON! They should have called bullshit on that, there's no way that was his real name. Somehow Alex Trebek kept a straight face as he talked to 'Lizard', who proceeded to tell about how he's growing this giant goatee so his pet iguana will think he has a wattle and can communicate with him. The hell? And last week there was a guy named Doc. When I get on there I'm going to tell them my name is Asshole.
* Well, the verdict is in. I got weighed at the doctor yesterday. I have lost about 10 pounds since I lost my job. About 17-20 pounds in the last year. Out of that 17-20, I lost about 8 when I upped my running mileage from 4 to 5 last August. So I really am shrinking. However, I now have a
BMI of 21.7, which is smack dab in the middle of the 'normal' range for my height. Woo-hoo, bring on the beer!
* Apparently my
question from last Friday has been answered - Basic Instinct 2
is as big a piece of crap as I thought it would be! The metacritic score of
26 is pretty bad. Since it's fun to read reviews of bad movies, I read a bunch of these reviews and they were remarkably consistent. I thought it was kind of interesting that just about all of them mentioned the opening scene, and the reasons they didn't like the movie cropped up again and again.
* In another link to last week, I saw a car today that came straight from one of those Volkswagen 'Unpimp Your Auto' commercials. It was a yellow Civic with a ridiculous spoiler, huge tailpipes, and complete with stupid slogan in sticker form on the back window. Damn I wish I could remember what it said, but it was something along the lines of '2Fast 4U' or some such stupid crap. The driver was some piece of work too. All I could think of was a wrecking ball smashing the shit out of it while Peter Stormare said 'It's time to unpimp your auto'. Giggle.