Sunday, April 22, 2007
Current Netflix Movies
Current Reading
Current TV
What I Ate For Breakfast
- 1 bowl of Kroger Organic Instant Oatmeal
- 1.5 cups Trader Joe's Salvadoran Peaberry coffee, iced, with skim milk (French press, black on weekends)
Previous Posts
- Why I Love Internet Shopping
- Wildflower Redux
- SPC Behind The Scenes, And I Do Mean Behind
- SPC - Laundry Day Really Snuck Up On Me This Time
- Recuperation
- Agita
- All This and Handpimple Too!
- SPC - Crazy Legs
- Weekend
- A Bit of a Pain In Me Gulliver

it is very beautiful``
welcome to my blog
the colors the colors-I am blinded.
"she blinded me"
ok why are you drinking folgers?
and do you always eat cereal in the a.m.?
I am the question girl.
These pics are beautiful. I love wildflowers, much more interesting than garden flowers!!!
l - thanks!
pg - Sometimes when I get tired of grinding the beans for the good stuff I'll drink Folgers ground coffee for a little while. But soon I am craving real coffee again. I will be stocking up on Trader Joe's coffee pretty soon.
On weekdays I eat cereal every day. On weekends I usually skip breakfast. I love almost all breakfast foods, but during the week there's not enough time to cook anything for breakfast. I've gone through bagel phases before in the past.
rb - thanks!
They're amazingly beautiful. I love pink. Is this the end of your search for big pink?
Hey - did you know I took like 100000000 pictures of irises? They're over at my flickr account. I think I might upload all of them. You know, since everyone loves them so much.
Did you change what you're eating for breakfast again?
h - not hardly. Big Pink will be revealed in Part 2. Not as scary as it sounds.
I have changed the breakfast items a couple of times, the coffee is now different than when I started.
yup, just when i'm feeling safe, i come read your blog, and you've got flowers here. what to do? they're lovely, of course!
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