SPC - Crazy Legs

The theme for this month's Self Portrait Challenge is "The Body"
This is a photo of me on my torture device of the moment - my Nordictrack ski exerciser. I used to run, but my knee decided it didn't like running anymore so I have turned to the Nordictrack to keep in shape. I miss being outside, but it beats doing nothing at all. I think when I started exercising it was with the goal of looking good, but who cares about that anymore? The main thing I like about it is that it makes me feel better - less stressed out, more relaxed, and it helps me sleep better. It does often strike me that it's fairly ridiculous that nowadays we have to use special machines or make special efforts to get the kind of exercise that used to just happen in the course of a regular day's work hunting mastodons, but I guess that's the price that those of us with sedentary desk monkey jobs have to pay.
See others' take on the theme here.
Labels: SPC
cool photo!
very cool.
hey this is crazy. I like it.
That photo rocks. As of tomorrow (after my appointment) I am supposed to bust MY ASS. Maybe I'll take a pic of myself repeatedly flipping off the camera.
paintergirl - LOL!
I love the sense of motion - very cool!
Great picture!
I didnt realize that you had bionic legs. Knowing you are able to move that fast you would have no trouble hunting mastadons
I don't have time to get on gmail. I left you a link in my blog.
love, love, love the movement. hate, hate, hate that it reminds me i need to head to the gym soon!
bionic legs!! I wish I thought of that.
this is a great motion shot, very cool
Great capture of motion, JC. Kudos on at least trying to stay in shape, especially despite a bum knee.
Cool! You should join a pool... that would really chill you out!
JC, I love this photo! It is so cool. Keep on exercising. ever thought about yoga? Great place to meet woman. Think about it...
I think this is one of your best ones yet:0)
wow, great photo! :)
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