The Perils of Marriage
Did you all see the story about the guy who unwittingly married his own sister? Apparently they were twins who were given up for adoption when they were babies, and neither of them knew their birth parents. Eventually they met and fell in love and got married. I guess you can understand how they might have been attracted to each other, I'm sure their personalities were quite compatible. I wonder if either of them will ever get married again? I would think accidentally marrying your sibling would tend to sour one on the whole marriage thing. But then again, what are the odds that it could happen twice? In any case, I think there's a valuable lesson to be learned here. And that lesson is: Don't get married. Or something.
What do these photos have to do with marrying your twin? Nothing. Absolutely nothing.

What do these photos have to do with marrying your twin? Nothing. Absolutely nothing.

Labels: Weird News of Weirdosity
I heard about this story from the twins website that I frequent. Freaky. Straight out of a bad B-movie.
Hopefully they can "forget" about their honeymoon in time. Gross!
Your pictures had everything to do with your post. Twins tires and then a picture of a portable crapper. Maybe my brain is just sick and twisted enough....
That is so sad.
I would like to make some sort of Dadaist comment about the relation, but my brain isn't right today.
I do feel kind of bad for them. They didn't know what was going on, they both probably thought they met someone really cool!
You know, I saw this story earlier and it really surprised me. For some reason, I thought that some innate, animal sense would kick in for those two and they would feel that something is not right. SOme blood/soul tie weirdness. Something instinctive should have kept them from marrying. I don't know why I think this. Though the fact that they were both adopted, have the same birthday, and likely look alike should have tipped them off if the instincts didn't, no? Disturbing, either way.
LOL OMG That is too funny...and wrong. I'm going to have to go read that now...sleep is overrated!
I hadn't heard about that article and oh traumatic!! And creepy. And sad. It's like something you'd see in a soap opera and roll your eyes at the writers doing something so cheesy, but you know what they say about truth and fiction.
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