SPC - Resolution #3
I'm a night owl. If left to my own devices, I would probably go to bed about 1AM. Unfortunately I also require about 8 hours of sleep or I'm a worthless blob of flesh the next day. And doubly-unfortunately my job requires me to get up about 5:15 in the morning. I have been really tired lately, so I am making a resolution that I should do a better job of getting to sleep on time!

Yep, about 9:15 if I really want a good night's sleep. It ought to be illegal, but them's the breaks.

...don't let the bedbugs bite!

Yep, about 9:15 if I really want a good night's sleep. It ought to be illegal, but them's the breaks.

...don't let the bedbugs bite!
See more self portraits here.
If you see any of these people today, wish them a happy birthday:
If you see any of these people today, wish them a happy birthday:
- Jim Carrey
- Betty White
- James Earl Jones
- Susanna Hoffs
- Kid Rock
- Muhammad Ali
- Zooey Deschanel (God, please let me see her today)
- Naveen Andrews
- Eartha Kitt
- Maury Povich
Labels: SPC
5:15?! ee gads man how do you do it?
You look so peaceful-I like these pics.
And isn't Zooey just the cutest in Elf. I love her singing in that movie.
you and your eye mask! i think you missed steve earle's b-day. he's 52.
I hear you on the night owl thing vs. needing a certain amount of sleep! Jobs that make you get up at 5:15 should count as cruel and unusual punishment. I don't even really believe in the existence of 5:15 AM unless I see it because I've stayed up all night.
good resolution! i hope you'll make it and feel better! i like all the photos, they're great :)
pg - isn't that what they say at the funeral home? he looks so peaceful...
bekka - I did my post before consulting my usual source for birthdays, I should have included Steve.
nikki - no light at 5:15. The light in the pictures is from a lamp.
anne - you're right, it is very debutante. I actually only wear it on weekends. My sleep chamber must be completely dark and cave-like, or else I will wake up. So on weekends when I sleep until after sunrise I need the mask. I thought it would be funny in the pictures to wear it.
deb - word.
ved - thanks!
I would have like this photo of you sleeping better if you had carved a Zorro like Z above the bed. The mask screams Zorro.
I have the same problem. As if you needed any evidence - I'm posting this commetn at 4:49 AM!
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