Monday, January 08, 2007

The Mysterious Hermit Slob

Why do I find it so difficult to blog on Mondays? Could it have anything to do with facing another week of people’s expectations that I be witty or interesting? Nah, that can’t be it.

Saturday I went to an exhibit at the Dallas Museum of Art called Van Gogh's Sheaves of Wheat. The exhibit was based around the Van Gogh painting of that name that is owned by the DMA. Although the title of the exhibition might lead one to believe otherwise, paintings from other artists were also on display. There were 8 Van Gogh paintings as well as a number of ink drawings. I really enjoyed the exhibit, but it was very crowded. Last weekend was the final weekend for the exhibit. I arrived around 5 PM on Saturday to a huge line. I was determined to go no matter what, so when informed that the wait just to get in was an hour and a half, I shrugged and bought my ticket anyway. Luckily the “hour and a half” in reality was only half an hour. I like to take my time in art museums, so I spent about 2 hours in the exhibition. I like to read all of the text posted on the wall next to the paintings. An audio tour was included in the admission price, and I used it, but I don’t think it added much to the experience. I kind of zigzagged my way through by going to the places that were least crowded at the time. I wish I would have had the presence of mind to have gone last Tuesday when I had the day off, but I enjoyed it nonetheless. And maybe I should get a museum membership; there are always lots of hotties every time I go there, Saturday being no exception. And no cameras were allowed, so no pictures.

Sunday I spent most of the day with my sister. I had been planning to clean up my house before she got there, but laziness and the thought “she’s family, she won’t care” conspired to result in a slapdash and half-assed effort. I cleaned some, but there was a long way to go. Oddly enough she called me on it. She wanted to know why my kitchen was such a mess when my house is usually so clean (note to self: stop cleaning the house for family), which basically shamed me into cleaning my kitchen while we were watching TV last night. It’s amazing how far a little nagging will go. I do have to admit that when I have stuff from last Christmas sitting on my kitchen table, I’m probably not living up to my potential as a human being. My sister asked me if I had had anyone over recently. Actually, no one but me has set foot in my house since July. And before that I think it was December 2005. I guess that makes me a hermit slob. On the positive side, with my new, cleaner kitchen I do feel a psychic weight lifted from my soul.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't clean for family either. But my sisters are cooler than yours - the younger one got in the kitchen herself and did the dishes. I kept trying to get her to stop, but she's slightly touched in the head...

I'm glad you enjoyed the exhibit. I should have gone... I like to read all the captions on the paintings, too - I've never gotten the audio tour thingie, though. Mainly because I don't think I'd know how to use it, and people would laugh at me...

1/08/2007 6:10 PM  
Blogger kristen said...

sounds like a beautiful exhibition, i love van gogh.

1/08/2007 6:47 PM  
Blogger paintergirl said...

Good for you upon going to see the man himself. Well not really him, but you know. I still cry when I see some of his paintings. To think of all his pain, and then he does these beautiful works. I could go on, but I'll stop.

I am a complete jerk and make people share the space. It's the only time I'm obnoxious. I go up to the paintings really close to freak the guards out too.

1/08/2007 7:14 PM  
Blogger hollibobolli said...

oooh - that would be wonderful to go to that show. I miss havingv cv
cvg v (wow - a sunflower seed got stuck in my keyboard!! i'm too lazy to go back) culture nearby.

Try having your family live a few doors down. See how often your cleaning skills get rated then.

1/08/2007 11:27 PM  

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