Planes, Trains, and...Well, Just Planes
I guess I was feeling like I didn't take enough pictures on vacation, so I went a little nuts on the plane ride home. I couldn't take any pictures on the way over there because it was dark. On the flight back it was a very clear day. Let the snoozing begin!

Here is a look at Huntsville, Alabama right after we took off. Approximately in the middle of the frame is the full-scale Saturn V rocket at the Space and Rocket Center (you can see a larger view if you click on the pictures).

This is the Mississippi River. I liked the way these oxbow lakes looked. They are formed when the river changes course and the old channel gets cut off. And while looking up oxbow lakes on Wikipedia, I learned that they are called billabongs in Australia. I'll be damned.

This is also the Mississippi. I thought that was a really cool bridge in the center of the picture. I haven't figured out what city it's near but I want to try and figure it out.

Here is a look at Huntsville, Alabama right after we took off. Approximately in the middle of the frame is the full-scale Saturn V rocket at the Space and Rocket Center (you can see a larger view if you click on the pictures).

This is the Mississippi River. I liked the way these oxbow lakes looked. They are formed when the river changes course and the old channel gets cut off. And while looking up oxbow lakes on Wikipedia, I learned that they are called billabongs in Australia. I'll be damned.

This is also the Mississippi. I thought that was a really cool bridge in the center of the picture. I haven't figured out what city it's near but I want to try and figure it out.

A couple of variations on my by-now standard sunset shot.
I like the M River pic with the bridge too...something about bridges is spooky to me.
The picture of the river is beyond cool. I love staring out of the airplane window.. till my terrible fear of heights kicks in and I have to sit back. Don't you get uneasy?
I have no problem with flying unless the ride gets very bumpy. The view from a plane doesn't freak me out. I was a little freaked out by the view from the Sears Tower if I got really close to the windows, and climbing up stairs that are really high and let you see down below can freak me out some, but planes in general don't.
I like the Mississippi River pic too. And Ft.Worth in the distance, something romantic about seeing a town from far away.
I like the picture of downtown Dallas.
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