Wednesday, February 22, 2006

More Cooking With JC

Last week I bought some bananas, and I must be burned out on bananas because I just couldn't find it in myself to eat them all. I think I'm done with bananas for a while. But, I hated to see them go to waste. So what do you do with bananas that are rapidly turning brown (if you don't have a toddler that will only eat brown bananas)? You make banana nut bread, that's what! I haven't been able to taste it yet because it says that you should store it overnight before slicing and eating 'to allow the flavors to mellow and make the loaf easier to cut'. Got to have mellow flavors! I have made this before so I know it should be decent. Damn, I need to find something healthy to cook...


Blogger hollibobolli said...

It can't be that unhealthy - it has fruit in it. You know Faith would be down with half rotten bananas!! Actually, I've discovered that Poppy is too. But Nana likes them almost green.

And I'm somewhere in between. And now you know the whole banana.

2/22/2006 5:28 PM  
Blogger WestEnder said...

I love banana bread. I had a college girlfriend who made it occasionally for me and I loved it. It was my favorite thing with breakfast.

Then I told that story to a later girlfriend and she started making banana bread for me, too! Must be a girl thing. I didn't complain.

2/22/2006 7:06 PM  
Blogger BJ said...

I must say I'm impressed with your culinary skills! I personally hate bananas; but I do love banana bread. As far as I'm concerned, that's all bananas are good for! I know they are supposedly good for you, but they leave the worse after taste in ones mouth. And eek! The banana skin in the trash? OMG - just vomit and get it over with. The smell has got to be the worse. So there. You have it from me. I hope I didn't ruin it for anyone. Sorry.

2/22/2006 7:58 PM  
Blogger Michelle said...

Damn, now I want some banana bread. You are industrious.

2/22/2006 9:17 PM  
Blogger Jan said...


Slice banana/s
Chop dates to give equal amount to banana
Layer in glass dish. Top with plain natural yoghurt and place in fridge for at least 12 hours.

The banana dates and yoghurt interact and produce syrup.

Eat as is or top with toasted oat cereal to give it a crunch.


2/23/2006 5:24 AM  
Blogger kristen said...

I love banana bread but can't swallow the browned ones, gag! My girl won't eat them that way either ~ they have to be almost green or pale yellow.
Like you, I OD on food and then have to leave it for awhile. Bananas are on the list, so is yogurt. Bananas are in right now and yogurt, you're out!

2/23/2006 7:34 AM  
Blogger hollibobolli said...

Kiki has watched too much Project Runway.. or maybe I have. Because I just heard her saying that in Heidi Klum's voice.

2/23/2006 10:58 AM  
Blogger kristen said...

It's my 2nd PR reference of the day. Although I'm more of Marla's peer group than most of the contenders on that show....what does that say about moi?

2/23/2006 12:27 PM  
Blogger JC said...

I am skeeved out by brown bananas, I prefer them yellow but closer to green than brown.

westender - I'm glad it's a girl thing, now excuse me while I go put on my skirt!

bj - banana peels in the trash are the worst! I put them in the freezer until I am ready to take the trash to the curb so they don't stink me out of house and home.

jan - that sounds interesting, I'll have to try it!

holli - I totally heard the Heidi Klum voice when I read Kiki's comment too!

2/23/2006 12:29 PM  
Blogger buffi said...

I'm laughing because I was hearing the Heidi voice before I ever read your comments about it. I'm going to need a break from that show or I'm going to be dreaming about it.

We go through banana cycles around here. We can't keep enough of 'em in the house for everyone, so just when I cave and buy the "super-bunch," nobody wants to have anything to do with a banana for weeks. Never fails. It's like they sit around and plan it.

I'm sorry. Is this YOUR blog? This is a bad habit I'm having lately....

2/23/2006 7:57 PM  

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