Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Olympics 2: Electric Boogaloo

In case anyone was wondering, we did get a small taste of winter here in the Dallas area this past weekend. Saturday was dry, but on Sunday there was drizzle all day and the temperature never got above freezing. So the bridges and overpasses were a bit dangerous and there were tons of wrecks around the area. I decided not to venture out at all on Sunday, and ironically enough even though I am a major homebody I was climbing the walls. Maybe because I didn't have control over the decision to stay in? Hmm.

On to the Olympics. The overload continues, I just can't stop watching! Some thoughts:

* How about the snowboard showoff who lost her chance at gold? That would be something that could really haunt her for the rest of her life, but I guess she's pretty young and could be back at the Olympics next time. Although you never know how things will pan out in the future. She claims she wasn't hot-dogging, but I don't believe her.
* I still can't believe that in the pairs figure skating that someone could wipe out so hard and still win the silver medal. It's crazy! I do think that was gutty to get up and finish the program, but I can't see winning a medal after that!
* I'm not a big fan of the medals with holes in the middle. They look like CDs!
* Ice dancing? Not a big fan. Any sport that has something called a 'twizzle' in it cannot be legit. All of the crashes on Sunday night did bring some excitement, though.
* Did Shani Davis the speedskater have to be such a sourpuss after he won the gold? Geez. I can understand him not participating in the team event. If he had gotten hurt he would have cost himself the chance at the gold in the 1000. It's easy for the other guy who already won his gold to participate because he had nothing to lose. But at least act a little happy after you won the gold freakin' medal! On the other hand, I suspect that there may be something else going on that we have not heard about. On the news Sunday, they were saying that Davis had gotten some hateful, racist emails complaining about him not being in the team event, which is sad and would probably make me a pissed off sourpuss too if I was him.
* I used to be a big 'Northern Exposure' fan. One of the commentators on the skiing events sounds just like John Corbett, aka Chris in the Morning. I keep expecting him to start talking about Nietzsche or Walt Whitman or something. It's fweaking me out!
* Commercials: The My Fast thing is seriously pissing me off. Bad Volkswagen, bad!
I'm still kind of laughing at the drill instructor commercial when he says "what did they send me, a dadgone Houdini?", but I fear I will not be laughing after a few more viewings.

Help me, too much Olympics!

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Blogger kristen said...

And what about the bedazzled outfits that the male ice dancers and skaters are wearing? When did they have cut-outs that show skin or sequins??
I love hearing the snowboarders speak....totally brings me back to my Cali days. The best was that Hannah Tetter summarizing her gold medal win as "totally positive" WTF?

2/21/2006 7:29 PM  
Blogger hollibobolli said...

The people that wiped out only won the silver I thought?

I said the same thing, the damned medals look like cd's. Nana said this is the one year she would not want a medal in the olympics!

I feel bad for the snowboarding showoff, but damn.. that segment they did about her afterwards - talking about how this taught the greatest lesson about staying on the straight and narrow - talk about pouring salt on a wound!! I'm sure she's kicking herself enough already!!!

Shani Davis will get his by screwing himself out of any sponsorships, angry a-hole. I think he's a butthead.

As for the commercials - they are wearing me out.

2/22/2006 2:13 PM  
Blogger JC said...

They did only win the silver, I must have had a brain fart. I will change it!

After seeing more of the Shani and Chad stuff, I think they're both acting like babies. No offense intended to any babies I know!

2/22/2006 4:00 PM  
Blogger hollibobolli said...

I think Chad reacted as best he could in that interview with Shani putting him on the spot, the bastid.

I'm very anti Shani right now. Down wit Shani!! Plus, Chad is pretty cute. But I haven't let that sway my opinion in this matter.

2/22/2006 5:30 PM  

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