Lips Together, Teeth Apart
I posted about a month and half ago about the fact that I was grinding my teeth at night. Last Wednesday my jaw was killing me most of the day, and I decided enough was enough. I tried to find a mouthguard that would not cause TMJ, but I couldn't. I did however come across some interesting advice. On one mouthguard site they were talking about how the mouthguard should be seen as a temporary solution, and that the long-term answer was behavior modification. I had never considered this possibility before. They used the phrase "Lips together, teeth apart". Seeing as how this was also something that Holli told me as a way to control teeth grinding, I thought there must be something to it. So, it is my new mantra. And I have to say that it has been a little bit of a struggle for me so far. I have always thought that it was better on your jaw to have your teeth closed together most of the time. I think I may be making some progress, though, because I really do notice when my teeth touch now. Oddly enough, Holli discovered that "Lips Together, Teeth Apart" is also the name of a play by Terrence McNally, which I had never heard of before. It's a sign I tell you!
I grind the hell out of my teeth and it makes my jaws and head hurt.
Lips together teeth apart will be something I work on though, b/c it doesn't feel natural.
I try to loosen my jaw before I go to bed at night and I'm with Baylor. Lips together, teeth apart seems virtuall impossible for me.
BLUSH! I wish.. I need botox.
JC - you didn't mention the other similarities in that play!!
Lips together, teeth apart has been my mantra lately too - especially since getting bashed in the jaw with a baby skull.
Lips together teeth apart what is that all about?
Anne - Sorry, I can't help you with that one!
Holli - Botox? Pftz. Yes, the fact that that play is written by a gay man and has a theme about people being scared of gay people is apparently further proof that I'm really gay. Thanks for bringing that to everyone's attention! And I hate getting bashed in the jaw by baby skulls! It always brings me down. It's more like "lips apart, teeth apart".
Jan - If you're talking about the mantra, it's a way to help me stop grinding my teeth at night. If you're talking about the play, there's a short description here.
F-the botox! Have you seen Katie Couric lately? F-ing FREAK! No good comes from using botox and 10 years from now, when the nerve damage kicks in and the FDA announces they made a mistake....I'll be frowning and you'll be able to tell!
Kiki - LOL
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