Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Headaches and Chiles

Dammit, I got another headache this morning. I think I have to take the blame for this one, I stayed up too late last night. I require at least 8 hours of sleep, preferably more, to feel my best, and I didn't get it last night. I'm like everyone else - there's too much stuff to do and not enough hours in the day to do it. I really struggle with going to bed on time, there's always just one more thing I can squeeze into the day! At least this headache fit my normal pattern of starting out small in the morning and slowly getting worse. Those ones on Friday and Saturday really freaked me out because they started at night. Today the Imitrex helped again, and by the time I got off work I felt good enough to do my 5 mile run with no problem. Guess I have to be good and get to bed early!

I am kind of behind on posting, but one of things that I wanted to write about was that last Thursday I actually took the time to cook something that took some work. I used to do that a lot more often, but lately it's been mostly prepared foods. Anyway, I got hold of some Hatch chiles from Central Market and made some green chile sauce. If you've been to New Mexico you've had this stuff - they seem to put it on everything. Last year I made this sauce for the first time and this year I was waiting for the chiles to appear again, they usually start selling them in late August for about 2 weeks. I almost missed out because I was waiting for Whole Foods to get them like they did last year, but if they did I never saw them. On Labor Day I saw the sign at Central Market on Greenville about the Green Chile Festival being the previous 2 weekends. I stopped in and they didn't have any. So, on the way home I stopped by the one in Plano and they had some of the pre-roasted kind. I bought one of the large size containers. I decided this weekend that I would try to get some more, but they were all gone. At least I got to make a pretty good batch of sauce, and I froze a few chopped chiles for later. I don't know what makes that stuff taste so good, but I love it. I could have done without having garlic hands for 2 days afterward, but it was a small price to pay.

Now off to bed!


Blogger Michelle said...

Marry me. Oh sorry, I got carried away. You run and you cook. My goodness.

9/15/2005 3:27 PM  
Blogger JC said...

Yeah, but I said I don't cook very often...

9/15/2005 5:12 PM  

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