SPC - Food and Me 5
Even though I only did 4 SPCs this month I'm still calling this 5 since it's the 5th Tuesday.
Wow, when October started I didn't think that I would find myself here by the end of the month. I've started a diet. Lately I've been very unsatisfied with my protruding gut when I see it in the shower. For quite a while now I've had a very laissez-faire attitude about what I eat. I have been trying to stay relatively low-fat, and I have done better this year with eating more fruits and vegetables, but I've had some problems with portion control. The percentage of carbs in my diet was also way out of whack. I pretty much ate until I didn't feel hungry, and sometimes past that point. It was starting to show. I know you could see those love handles when I posted that shot of my backside on here (no I'm not linking!).
I'm fed up with having to struggle to button my pants in the morning. I'm fed up with feeling that sense of relief when I untuck my shirt immediately upon getting home from work every day. I'm fed up with using the "fat" belt hole. I've started counting my calories, and based on the numbers that are telling me when to stop it's a wonder that I'm not larger than I am. I've also decided it's time to work a little harder at the exercise I've been doing, and do it more often.
I just started this diet last Wednesday but already I can tell that it's something I think I can stick with. Sometimes you have to wait a little bit after eating before feeling full. I don't have to keep cramming food in my mouth until I'm stuffed, and I'm already getting used to that. I am really enjoying the salads and broccoli these days. It's amazing how sweet baby carrots taste when you don't eat lots of sugar. It's not the end of the world if I feel a little hungry sometimes, it will pass. I can be really stubborn about some things, usually things that involve self-discipline on my part. I'm feeling pretty stubborn about this, so we'll see what happens.

To see what other people have goin' on click here to visit the SPC site.
Wow, when October started I didn't think that I would find myself here by the end of the month. I've started a diet. Lately I've been very unsatisfied with my protruding gut when I see it in the shower. For quite a while now I've had a very laissez-faire attitude about what I eat. I have been trying to stay relatively low-fat, and I have done better this year with eating more fruits and vegetables, but I've had some problems with portion control. The percentage of carbs in my diet was also way out of whack. I pretty much ate until I didn't feel hungry, and sometimes past that point. It was starting to show. I know you could see those love handles when I posted that shot of my backside on here (no I'm not linking!).
I'm fed up with having to struggle to button my pants in the morning. I'm fed up with feeling that sense of relief when I untuck my shirt immediately upon getting home from work every day. I'm fed up with using the "fat" belt hole. I've started counting my calories, and based on the numbers that are telling me when to stop it's a wonder that I'm not larger than I am. I've also decided it's time to work a little harder at the exercise I've been doing, and do it more often.
I just started this diet last Wednesday but already I can tell that it's something I think I can stick with. Sometimes you have to wait a little bit after eating before feeling full. I don't have to keep cramming food in my mouth until I'm stuffed, and I'm already getting used to that. I am really enjoying the salads and broccoli these days. It's amazing how sweet baby carrots taste when you don't eat lots of sugar. It's not the end of the world if I feel a little hungry sometimes, it will pass. I can be really stubborn about some things, usually things that involve self-discipline on my part. I'm feeling pretty stubborn about this, so we'll see what happens.

To see what other people have goin' on click here to visit the SPC site.
Labels: SPC
This might sound mean, but it's nice to see a guy struggle with the same things this girl struggles with :P
Your attitude to dieting is very like mine: "it's not the end of the world if I feel hungry sometimes... it will pass"... and it really does.
Having said all of that, I still can't see where the weight you need to lose is... but I guess it's more about feeling it that showing it... so good luck! You can do it.
p.s. plese don't sit staring at that bare table for too long because you are bound to end up raiding the fridge before long if you do ;)
i always think it's an empowering feeling to be one with the hunger.
it's all about portion control for me too.
Stubborn is good. Stubborn will get you through a lot in life!
I like the photo! And I like that you're "fed up" with so many things, considering the theme. Not sure if that was deliberate or unconscious to use that particular phrase, but it's perfect. :-)
diet? gut? portion control? backside? oh, i think you look dandy. you're so thin, like a rail. pshaw! no dieting for you!
An olderco-worker of mine had a saying taped to the side of her computer "Nothing tasts as good as being thin feels" I wholeheartedly agree
i've been thin my whole life and when i do break the trend on occasion and gain a few pounds and find it hard to button my pants i get so frustrated not necessarily because i think i look bad but because it feels uncomfortable...for me i feel stuffed and bloated and no matter what i look like i really hate the feeling i gte more than the impression that i see.
I still love your table, and should I not laugh when you have a sugar shaker opposite you? I was looking for the locked up candy corn.
I am proud of you. It's not easy but it's worth it. You alone are responsible for what you eat. It's good to take control rather than to slip into some bad habits.
Drinking a cup of really hot water with lemon in the morning is GREAT when you're starting this process of dieting or changing your eaing habits, however you want to call it. Fasting is also a test of wills, but makes you feel whole. Maybe I'm rambling tonight, sorry jc.
You know, I always used to roll my eyes at the skinny girl who always complained about how "fat" she was. Drama queen. But I guess I'm one now? I know I'm not obese, but I think I could stand to lose about 10 to 12 pounds from my middle. I'd take a picture of my gut when I'm sitting down but nobody wants to see that. I also know that if this is the biggest problem that I have in my life, then I'm actually blessed. So there's that.
V - I thought that a lot of you might be able to relate.
kiki - that's a good way to look at it.
deb - it was totally unconscious to use "fed up"! I think it's cool how that fits with the theme!
r - I have a little bit of a pot belly. My waist used to be a 32, now it's a 35. I'm not obese, but I am just a little overweight. 3 inches of fat is not insubstantial! It's also gross.
b - that's a good phrase to remember.
gay - i'm the same way. It just feels icky.
pg - you can laugh at the sugar. In fact, I noticed it there and I was going to move it, but then it seemed to really fit in with the whole theme so I left it. The funny thing about that sugar is that I almost never use it. The last time I tried to use it it was all crystallized to the bottom of the dispenser. A friend asked me if I wanted that sugar dispenser, and I thought it would look good on my table so I took it. I never put sugar in my coffee or on my cereal, I only sometimes put it in tea (which I haven't had much of lately, I should drink more but sans sugar).
I've always had a strong belief in the power of fasting, I think it's clarifying.
According to Oprah, those hunger pains are burning calories! Embrace them...sometimes! (I went through an Oprah faze when I started being a SAHM...very short lived!)
I have had people look at me like I was crazy when I complain about a few extra lbs. But if you can't fit into your clothes comfortably...you have the right to bitch too!
PS I love your retro table!
Oh my-this was just what I needed to hear.
I too am tired of wearing pajamas when my husband gets home because all my pants are too tight to sit around in.
I have been planning on started a diet on the first of November-my husbands birthday.
The reason I loved the sp I posted today is that Sarah is so good at editing. That she can make me look 10 ounds lighter than I really am.
I am inspired by your diet and will be checking in here when I need some clear reminders-you layed them out so wonderfully.
Love how your back is to the fridge in this pic:)
diet? just take care of your health! photo is great, expressive... and you've been tagged, check it on my blog! :)
Weight is a tough topic. At which point does one's weight begin to outweigh (so to speak) the pleasure derived from food? I think food and eating are integral components of enjoying life but I can understand that they can be overshadowed by feeling icky about yourself (icky is a technical term, I will have you know). Both food and dieting are good in moderation. That's what I think. Judging by your picture, I also think that you have a long way to go before really needing to moderate your eating... although I also understand that our perception of ourselves doesn't always match how we are perceived by others.
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