Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Current Netflix Movies
Current Reading
Current TV
What I Ate For Breakfast
- 1 bowl of Kroger Organic Instant Oatmeal
- 1.5 cups Trader Joe's Salvadoran Peaberry coffee, iced, with skim milk (French press, black on weekends)
Previous Posts
- JC vs. Mothra
- SPC - Street Photography #3
- A to Z, Da Return
- Buggy Nights
- Photo Dump Friday, or Again With the Flowers?
- Critters or Varmints? You Be The Judge.
- In N Out Burger!
- Air
- Blog, Schmlog
- More Flowers? Sheesh.

Nice skyline. Who's watching your camera??
Where are all the people? It looks like a scene from Night of the Comet.
I was keeping an eye on my camera my ownself. Which is one reason why there aren't too many people around - if people were too close I waited to take a shot until they were out of camera snatching range. It was on a tripod, though, so anyone on foot wouldn't have been running away at full speed! I have another shot with some other people in it, but I didn't like it as much.
Night of the Comet? I'm not familiar with that work.
Classic early 80's cheesefest. A must see, put in on your netflix and you wont be disapointed my friend.
really great, very surreal... it remindes me a bit of paintings by giorgio de chirico
Nice picture JC.
there's jc the sheriff. where is this? Dallas or FT. Worth. I just had a lovely book arrive of stephen shore photos form the 70's. He took quite a few in Ft Worth.
hey hey hey night of the comet-2 girls in a mall? is that right? I have always wanted to see that.
awwwww.. this is a great shot. I wish we were there to walk those streets with you. I need to hurry up and figure out when we can come visit.
I like this photo - I was wondering about your camera too.
Yes that is the movie and now it is on DVD!!!! That is what I should have asked for, for mother's day!
pg - 'tis Dallas.
Very serene shot. I didn't realize Dallas is so green. I always picture it as dessicated.
Dallas has lots of green, there are actually quite a few trees here. Things are especially green this year because we have gotten buckets of rain.
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