Fla-va Flav!
On Friday I left work early in order to go gawk at the one, the only, Flavor Flav. A local radio station puts on a festival of sorts every year and they always have special guests signing autographs. Usually the guests are sports-themed since the radio station is a sports talk station (Dr. J was there), but Flavor Flav was on one of the shows once via telephone so I guess they thought it would be a good bit to have him attend (they were right). And I thought it would be a good bit for my blog!
The wait did kind of suck. They handed out numbered tickets, but it looked like they weren't going to make people go in order so I got in line fairly close to the front. Then right before his scheduled appearance they said that people with tickets 1-50 could line up. I had #250! I think I got gypped because a guy who got a ticket after I had been in line awhile had number 75! I was going to go by the book so I let a bunch of people go in front of me. Finally some people took pity on me and convinced me that the ticket taker wouldn't care what number I had, and they let me go in front of them. And they were right, the guy didn't care.
Mr. Flav couldn't have been a nicer human. I told him that I had forgotten to bring my Public Enemy CD, and he said: "Well, you brought you, and that's what's important". A lot of people brought their kids, and he let a bunch of them come up behind the table where he was and he spent a lot of time talking to them. I was really impressed with how nice he was.
The wait did kind of suck. They handed out numbered tickets, but it looked like they weren't going to make people go in order so I got in line fairly close to the front. Then right before his scheduled appearance they said that people with tickets 1-50 could line up. I had #250! I think I got gypped because a guy who got a ticket after I had been in line awhile had number 75! I was going to go by the book so I let a bunch of people go in front of me. Finally some people took pity on me and convinced me that the ticket taker wouldn't care what number I had, and they let me go in front of them. And they were right, the guy didn't care.
Mr. Flav couldn't have been a nicer human. I told him that I had forgotten to bring my Public Enemy CD, and he said: "Well, you brought you, and that's what's important". A lot of people brought their kids, and he let a bunch of them come up behind the table where he was and he spent a lot of time talking to them. I was really impressed with how nice he was.

The golden ticket.

How awesome is that hat?

Flavor signs the shirt of the radio host who began the Flavor Flav connection on his show.

Check out that finger bling.

Man with large nose shakes Flavor's hand. I mean look at that thing, you could shelter a family of 4 from the rain under that thing!

This poster was really nice - it elicited a "Wow" from Mr. Flav.

One of many clocks presented for signature. And check out that coat on the back of the chair.

For some reason this person got a more up close and personal encounter.

I just can't figure out why that is.

Since I forgot my CD I had Flavor sign my autograph ticket.
Today's birthdays are brought to you by Flavor of Love:
- Christina Ricci (you gotta love this quote from the NNDB profile: "Ricci has at least three tattoos, a huge forehead, and likes wearing men's underwear.")
- Michael McDonald (Yah Mo Be There?)
Oh touch you! Wow. You're always in the thick of things. Maybe if you wore pink. I think wearing of the pink is what catches FF's eye. Pink! His reality show... sometimes I get sucked into it because those women are so whack. But he seems fairly sweet and well-intentioned, like it's not an act at all.
Very cool,man! I have fond memories of listening to Public Enemy in the darkroom at work. Gets you mo-ta-vated if you know what I mean.
You'll appreciate this story jc. We were out having a beer on Saturday while a realtor was at the house. The restaurant/bar had on a local radio station on the stereo. The disc jockey had a very smooth voice. My husband made fun of him, and I said "Play Misty for me," as a joke.(ok have you seen this movie with Clint Eastwood?) Then I had this huge moment of clarity. I yelled-"I can't believe it-the mom on Arrested Developement is the whacko in that movie". I love having revelation while drinking.My husband didn't believe me until we came home and pulled it up on IMDB.
You rock JC! Flav rules !
Look at you! Brush with stardom. Is he really little? He looks very little on TV. I am so glad he was nice. Will you take a couple of fashion lessons from Mista Flav? A pinky ring, perhaps? Pimp-like fur coat?
I love the pic of you shaking Flav's hand! :)
thanks everybody!
anna - i think he is kind of short. It was hard to tell for sure because the table where he was sitting was on a platform, so he was up a little bit higher than us mere mortals. I want one of those rings that covers all the fingers on one hand. And a fur coat (faux, of course). And a grill.
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