Sunday, June 18, 2006

The Procrastination Dude

My school project has been keeping me very busy this weekend. Unfortunately not busy enough today - I'm being the procrastination dude! I'm hoping that by doing a quick post I can then focus on my project. Supposedly this section of the project is the most labor-intensive, so if I can get past this it should be downhill somewhat from here on out. This school stuff is really cutting into my TV time!!

I actually got my computer at work on Friday afternoon, so I guess the Disney World theory was true! Unfortunately I have also picked up a sore throat from my first week on the job. Luckily that seems like the only symptom, no runny nose or aches and pains. I may have to start wearing my lawn mowing getup to work to protect myself from the secretions of others. OK, now it's off to work!


Blogger Michelle said...

I had to completely give up TV when I was going to school. It made it weird at parties though because people would be talking about Survivor or some other TV show and I wouldn't know what the hell they were talking about.

Good luck with the project.

6/18/2006 1:26 PM  
Blogger BJ said...

Sounds like you're pretty busy with that project.
Sorry to hear you caught something the first week at work. But I have to tell you, the thought of you wearing your lawn mowing attair to your job, put a big smile on my face!
And thanks for commenting on my pictures of the family. Stop by my blog too.

6/18/2006 7:28 PM  
Blogger kristen said...

When I was in school, I totally stressed about not getting work done, when would I sit down, etc. Finally towards the end, I realized I procrastinate and that I'd eventually sit down and it was liberating I tell you! Just like going to a new school, a new job will expose you to new germies and that's just the way it is.

6/19/2006 6:18 PM  

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