Duke Chapel
Good news: I already got my grade on the paper that I turned in Monday night, and the grade is good enough that I don't have to do those last 3 postings. Yay, cocaine and hookers for the next month!!
I never finished recapping my Thanksgiving trip, so we'll continue with that.
I never finished recapping my Thanksgiving trip, so we'll continue with that.

This is the exterior of Duke Chapel on the campus of Duke University.

Above the entrance.

This is behind the altar, it's all carved wood.

They have a bunch of stained glass windows.

The campus is very pretty, you almost feel like you are in England or somesuch.

This squirrel was chattering very loudly at me. I guess he thought I was going to try and take his nut.
More Fall color
Edited to add: To call this building a "chapel" is definitely a misnomer. It should be called a cathedral. It's built in the style of a medieval cathedral, and it is huge. I wish I could have taken some pictures of the interior, but it was just too dark. You can read more about Duke Chapel here.
Labels: Travel
What a beautiful campus, I knew I should have accepted my scholarship there!!
I want to take pretty pictures... *sigh*
The squirrel is awesome. :D
You can come up here to my neighbors for that kind of party. Oh wait, it's crack, oh wait, they moved to an even worse part of town.
Yay on the paper!
The chapel is so European. Very pretty. It's almost a waste on college students. I can say that because I was once a college girl myself. And yes anything nice on campus is made for alumni. All the colors of fall make me want to have leaves back on the trees.
Are you from the Carolina's or from Texas? Am I Miss 100 questions?
The stained glass pics are wonderful. Those are really great pics - I can tell your photography is evolving.. or somesuch. I just wanted to use that word - I didn't realize how much I like it until I read it.
I brake for squirrels!
Holli I not only brake but I honk my horn like a mad woman just so the squirrels learn-Cars=Evil=Death.
nikki - thanks!
barb - you had a scholarship to duke? holy s, i'm impressed! you must be smrt. i mean smart.
criss - i wish i would have had a video camera for the squirrel.
pg - it's pretty much modelled after european cathedrals. and i'm from texas.
h - thanks! i'm not sure i agree that it's evolving. i feel like a hack when i see some of the stuff on flickr and spc. somesuch rules! kind of like whatnot. and for cripes sake, get some sleep!!
I was only kiddin' about the scholarship thingy, I wish! I get a measly one now that basically covers tuition only, but every bit helps :)
thanks anne!
and barb, you beat me at my own game! hah!
Enjoy the hookers and the blow. You deserve to live a little.
nice photos. never got to duke when i lived in greensboro. didn't know what i missed until now! gorgeous. guess it's best not to know these things when you attend mostly state schools. my former landlady was a dukie, as she called herself.
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