Some Call It 'Futbol', I Call It Soccer
Before I commence with more vacation recap, I just wanted to give props to something I heard on last week's Top Chef. I think it's one of the best lines I have ever heard on TV, uttered by Anthony Bourdain: "It's like Betty Crocker and Charles Manson gave birth to a love child, and he's cooking for me." Giggle.
Saturday morning began for me with reading the newspaper on the couch, coffee in hand (as is my wont). I noticed that the women's soccer team from my alma mater was playing the University of North Carolina in the NCAA playoffs that afternoon. I thought it might be kind of fun to watch that, so I convinced my sister to go to the soccer game. It was a beautiful day, about 70 degrees. It actually almost felt a little hot since we were sitting in the sun. We sat right in the middle of a bunch of Carolina fans. We didn't think there were any fans rooting for my school, but there turned out to be a section that had a decent number of fans. We decided to stay where we were. It was kind of funny, my sister was actually openly rooting for my team (she went to my school's archrival), and drew a few looks from the people surrounding us. My team lost, but it was a good game and the Carolina people were gracious victors.
After the game we walked around the UNC campus, which is very pretty. Some of the buildings are quite old, the school was opened in 1795.

Saturday morning began for me with reading the newspaper on the couch, coffee in hand (as is my wont). I noticed that the women's soccer team from my alma mater was playing the University of North Carolina in the NCAA playoffs that afternoon. I thought it might be kind of fun to watch that, so I convinced my sister to go to the soccer game. It was a beautiful day, about 70 degrees. It actually almost felt a little hot since we were sitting in the sun. We sat right in the middle of a bunch of Carolina fans. We didn't think there were any fans rooting for my school, but there turned out to be a section that had a decent number of fans. We decided to stay where we were. It was kind of funny, my sister was actually openly rooting for my team (she went to my school's archrival), and drew a few looks from the people surrounding us. My team lost, but it was a good game and the Carolina people were gracious victors.
After the game we walked around the UNC campus, which is very pretty. Some of the buildings are quite old, the school was opened in 1795.

Blondes and footy ball eh? Hmmm....
What a pretty campus. UF was not this nice. There were lots of blondes there too.
That's a pretty eventful soccer match you attended. That girl was totally checking you out :) It looks like you had perfect weather!
Anne - I want to read Kitchen Confidential now.
pg - They weren't all blondes!
Anna - We've all got to have our little fantasies, right? The weather was awesome.
Oh, and that second Fall leaves picture is driving me nuts - it's supposed to be horizontally oriented, but no matter what I do it keeps copying into Blogger vertically!!
nice photos.....just now catching up.
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