Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Coming Up For Air

If I were swimming laps this is the part where I would come up for air before swimming the final laps. Paper #1 is now complete and submitted. Tonight I'm taking a break before diving into paper #2 tomorrow. It's due on Monday. Ugh, I'm so tired. I'm planning to go to bed very shortly so I will hopefully be well-rested.

Bekka wanted to know what my papers are about (she's a librarian). The paper I just completed is about the use of wikis (like Wikipedia) in libraries. We had to write about a current trend in libraries, and that's what I came up with. For the second paper, I'm writing about "User Behavior and Digital Library Design". I know, snooze. I'm panicking a little because I think that's a bit of a broad topic, and I'm not really sure what my "hook" is going to be. It's my fault because we had to come up with our own topic. I came up with it quickly though because I forgot about the deadline to get our topics approved until the day after it was due! Anyway, it will all work out in the end, but the next few days won't be much fun. Back in the water!


Blogger Anna said...

Good luck! Just think of how good Monday evening is going to feel once everything is done. That usually helps me.

12/06/2006 9:28 PM  
Blogger Chickytava said...

I'm guessing you are in library science? I f-ing hate school right now. I can't even get one paper done, but luckily I have until this Friday. Then tackling the next. Ugh.

12/07/2006 2:15 AM  
Blogger JC said...

anna - thanks! Yes, it's going to be very nice to be done on Monday. I'll have about a month before the next semester starts - I won't know what to do with myself!

ct - yes, library science. Or as I like to call it - liberry science. Good luck to you!

12/07/2006 11:00 AM  
Blogger Rebecca said...

Snooze? oh don't sell yourself (and our profession) short! so maybe your prof will be so surprised when your second paper is on a different topic than what he/she approved?

12/07/2006 11:05 AM  
Blogger boho girl said...

i know my husband would find these papers interesting because he is a librarian too!

very cool, JC...

12/07/2006 11:16 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm currently sitting at Borders procrastinating on starting research on my Master's dissertation...

I hope you're doing better on your paper than I am on mine :P

12/09/2006 9:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

(Blast it all! Sorry, it kept telling me I was entering the wrong letters on the word verification thingie, and but I see not the handy-dandy trash can so I can delete my inuntended spam... sorry!)

12/10/2006 8:02 PM  
Blogger JC said...

Criss - I cleaned it up for you! My paper seems to be coming together, hopefully you made some progress on yours today!

12/10/2006 9:52 PM  

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