Sunday, December 03, 2006

Search Shenanigans

Things may be a little sparse here for the next week or so. I have 2 papers due as the final projects in my classes this semester, and I didn't start on them until yesterday. Eep.

I used to get a lot of weird searches on my blog. But things have been very slow in that regard for the last 6 months or so. For some reason that has changed recently. Here are some searches that have led people to my blog in the last week:

exam dilate safe to drive -cervix
ate a clown for breakfast
nobody cares what people think
pumpkin flava
larry david curb your enthusiasm drive through
tom waits coffee mug
is the graceland vip tour worth the extra money?

Now that'’s the second time that someone has searched for something to do with eating a clown for breakfast. What the F is wrong with these people?! Is there some kind of pop culture reference I'’m oblivious to? I'’m not sure which is my favorite - –"“pumpkin flava" or "exam dilate safe to drive minus cervix". I like that they want to know about safe driving after all the exam dilations except the cervical one. Somehow I don't think that's what they intended. And I can't wait for that Tom Waits coffee mug! Maybe it'll play "Bad Liver and A Broken Heart" every time you pick it up.

I get the suspicion that most of these people were disappointed by what they found here. Probably not that different from the rest of you, eh? ;)


Blogger paintergirl said...

Eating a clown for breakfast-what the f is that jc? I mean is it some Gacy thing?

I usually get a lot of people looking up song lyrics and sadly come to my site probably looking for the whole song. Nicola and Bart, is the front runner of how people come to my site.

Good luck with the papers!

12/04/2006 8:27 AM  
Blogger hollibobolli said...

I totally remember the first eating a clown for breakfast. I miss the weird search game - we need to start that up again!

12/04/2006 3:52 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Wow, I am very blog do you find out what people typed in to get to your blog?

12/04/2006 4:24 PM  
Blogger kristen said...

this made me laugh, thank you for that! eating a clown indeed!

12/04/2006 6:56 PM  
Blogger Anna said...

People are weird and use the internet for weird purposes, such as finding clowns to eat. I have come to accept this.
Oooh, by the way, I finally saw Borat. It was brilliant. Terrifying, but brilliant.

12/05/2006 9:17 PM  
Blogger Rebecca said...

what are your papers on, library geek that I am....

12/06/2006 12:53 PM  
Blogger JC said...

pg - thanks!

h - the funniest part about the first one was that it was so grammatically weird too: "had you a clown for breakfast". very redneck gacy.

anne - glad i could help!

b - i use statcounter. there's also sitemeter and some others. google statcounter. and i was blog ignorant about this at first too, holli had to show me how to do it! it's kind of fun to look at, but it can also be addicting!

kiki - you're welcome!

anna - that's great advice! and i'm glad you liked borat.

bekka - i hooked you up in a post today.

12/06/2006 8:38 PM  
Blogger Intrepidflame said...

I have been meaning to write a post like this for a while. I am always shocked at how people get to me too.

12/12/2006 4:47 AM  

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