Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Potpourri for $200 Alex

* Went to the dentist yesterday. No cavities! More Halloween candy, please.

* Lord knows I loves me some Target like Britney loves K-Fed Reese loves Ryan Heather loves Sir Paul Tyra loves Twinkies, so it pains me to say this. Target candy corn? Not that good.

* Ever wanted to be a Border Patrol agent? Now you can, all from the comfort and safety of your own home! Check this out. Talk about outsourcing.

* Rick Perry says unless you accept Jebus Jesus as your personal savior you're going to hell. Happy Hanukkah! I liked the way Kinky put it better: "May the deity of your choice bless you."

* In Dallas there is big highway interchange called the High Five. I drive through it every day on the way to and from work. On Monday there was an abandoned car at the highest point of one of the ramps with a police car behind it. It caused the right lane to be closed because there is not room for a car on the shoulder of the ramp. Turns out the car belonged to this guy. Creepy. And I hate to be callous, but if you're going to be stupid enough to kill yourself, do it at home and leave the rest of us out of it.



Blogger paintergirl said...

I tried earlier to post but blogger was blocking me. buh.

I had this whole amusing link I wanted you to read from The Onion, but going to their site crashed my computer. So maybe it was a sign.

I will comment about candy corn. I love the stuff and I love the idea of eating it. But when it rolls around to Easter and I still have a 2 lb bag of stale candy corn to eat, the thrill is gone.

11/09/2006 12:57 PM  

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