High Five!
* I went to go see Borat and his banana hammock after work. It's so wrong, but so right, you know what I'm sayin'? I don't know why, but I love "uncomfortable" humor. It's why I love Curb Your Enthusiasm so much. Maybe it's because in real life I sometimes have a bit of a mean streak and I want to act like these people, but I would be too mortified to actually do it. So by watching these things I can vicariously act out my inner a-hole. Or something. Enough pyschobabble - it's just funny.
* I didn't finish watching Lost until this morning. I'm kind of pissed at who they killed off. I really liked that character and that actor. I do give them some credit for not being afraid to kill off prominent characters, I just wish it hadn't been this one. Please kill Charlie next! And I just found out today that that midget who plays Charlie is dating Evangeline Lilly. Somehow I hate him even more now.
* Check out this label from the grapes I ate this week. It kind of gives me the willies, so I thought I'd share (would make an awesome T-shirt, though):

* Date #2 with POI2 will take place tomorrow. Assuming she shows up. Will this be when the wheels come off? Stay tuned!
* I didn't finish watching Lost until this morning. I'm kind of pissed at who they killed off. I really liked that character and that actor. I do give them some credit for not being afraid to kill off prominent characters, I just wish it hadn't been this one. Please kill Charlie next! And I just found out today that that midget who plays Charlie is dating Evangeline Lilly. Somehow I hate him even more now.
* Check out this label from the grapes I ate this week. It kind of gives me the willies, so I thought I'd share (would make an awesome T-shirt, though):

* Date #2 with POI2 will take place tomorrow. Assuming she shows up. Will this be when the wheels come off? Stay tuned!
Labels: Movies, Television
If it makes you feel any better at all about the death of Ecko, rumor has it that the character was killed off because the actor playing him wanted out of his contract early due to some family issues. I hated to see it happen too, but I console myself with the thought that this IS "Lost" after all, and if he ever wants to come back they can always have him show up in flashbacks and hallucinations. :-)
Good luck with Date #2!
Uncomfortable humor is the best way to describe it. I have had trouble explaining why I never liked Seinfeld and it's because of that - it's uncomfortable. And yet, I cannot wait to see Borat! A Jew playing an anti-Semite is just about the funniest thing - I can say that because I am Jewish. So you liked the movie?
Best of luck on the date. Hope she can appreciate Borat :)
Good luck with date 2.
Hope #2 goes well! Question: Does she know about your blogging, or will you tell her eventually? Just curious how that works out.
Deb - I read a couple of stories about this, and actually for some reason it did make me feel better. Not sure why, other than that maybe I liked that they didn't just kill him off randomly.
Anna - Yes, it was hilarious! And I actually found myself laughing the most at a couple of the slapstick type scenes.
Michelle & Anne - thanks!
Barbara - I haven't told her about the blog because I wanted to be free to write about our dates. If it turns into a long term relationship I would eventually have to tell her, and probably do some selective editing! Ironically enough, she told me that she has a myspace blog! I didn't pry the address out of her.
Good luck on the date and I'm dying to see Borat. Need to get a babysitter so husband and I can go together. We've been laughing our asses off watching re-runs of Da Ali G show, check it!
So I don't know what you heard about the characters killed but it has to do with the actors caught drunk driving on the island. Hollywood is forced to have good morals in Hawaii. really.
I can't belives Evageline is dating the hobbit either. When my husband told me, I was in shock. I'm happy they are keeping my Scottish boy around. And have you ever watched Deadwood?
I hope the date went well.
From what I understand the guy who played Eko got busted for driving without a license. And the charges were dropped.
I like the Scottish dude too, and I like what has happened to his character, it has some interesting possibilities.
I watched the first 2 seasons of Deadwood, but I had to get rid of HBO before season 3 aired. I liked it, especially the guy who played Swearingen. I'll have to catch 3 on DVD.
Deadwood is great. We don't have HBO so it was a complete Deadwood marathon about a month ago. We drank lots of whisky during this time and swore alot. Swearingen is super. Rent If It's Tuesday It must Be Belgium and you'll see him as a very young man. He's a poor man's Terrence Stamp.
I was hoping to see Trixie stay on Lost but no.
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