Thursday, November 16, 2006

It Blew and It Blows

I'm feeling extremely uninspired today. Whereas Sunday I was pissed off, today it's more like ennui. Whatever.

Yesterday was extremely windy around here. My power went off early in the morning, which means that my alarm system starting beeping, waking me up. Luckily it was only 5 minutes before my alarm was supposed to go off. I came home from work to find this in my backyard:

Luckily it didn't damage my fence or the little cedar tree that I planted. I'm not sure exactly how I'm going to chop this thing into smaller pieces. Maybe I'll just leave it there to decompose.


Blogger Rebecca said...

isn't it your neighbor's responsibility to remove the tree? you used one of my favorite words! ennui!

11/16/2006 1:26 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

At least it didn't fall on your car, did you see the guy on the news that that happened to? He was all.. "well I have insurance, so its all good, they will take care of it"...guess he never heard of a deductible :)

11/16/2006 6:13 PM  
Blogger 3HappyHippies said...

I remember when something like this happened to us in Belgium but we had no idea what to do because our neighbors didnt speak english and we werent allowed to burn "real" wood in our fireplace. It stayed there for a long time and then one day it was gone, maybe they realized we just didnt care and came and got it.

11/17/2006 12:31 AM  
Blogger paintergirl said...

I don't know why I thought of this but I'll tell you. Sometimes when I see wood I think of this very strange movie called Little Otek, or OTESANEK.

11/17/2006 7:59 AM  

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