Tuesday, March 07, 2006

What Do You Meme?

I've been tagged by Kiki to post this list!

3 Things You Wish For (just for you)
1. A job
2. Good health
3. Peace of mind

3 Things You Would Do To/For Yourself If There Was No One To Judge You (or if you had the guts to do it!)
1. I would probably keep my hair a little bit on the shaggy side
2. Get a nose job
3. Butt implants. Just kidding on that one! Despite number 1, I’ve always wanted to shave my head to see what it looks like, but I’m too chicken!

3 Bad Habits You Have
1. I’m not very punctual
2. I tend to interrupt people when they’re talking. I do it because if I don’t I will forget what I’m going to say, but that’s a crappy reason.
3. I worry too much

3 Insecurities You Feel
1. My looks
2. That people don’t like me
3. That people think I don’t know what I’m talking about

3 Talents/Skills You Wish You Had
1. Ability to paint
2. Ability to be more assertive
3. Ability to make a living doing something artistic

3 Things That You Would Do If You Had More Time
1. Learn to paint!
2. Travel more
3. Read more

3 Things That Bring You Peace/Relaxation
1. Going for a walk
2. Being in the woods
3. Not having a schedule

3 Things That Spark Your Creativity
1. Visiting an art museum
2. Seeing a really good movie
3. Nature

I'm adding a bonus section that I promised to do a long time ago (November, I think). I guess that speaks volumes about my self-esteem that it took me 4 months to think of 7 things that I can do!

7 Things I Can Do
1. Change a car battery
2. Tune a guitar
3. Find my way around
4. Run 5 miles without stopping
5. Pass the Jeopardy test (3 times and counting…)
6. Do well on the GRE
7. Hang a ceiling fan (man, I’m reaching here!)

I tag no one!



Blogger kristen said...

Thank you for indulging me. I knew I wouldn't be disappointed. Your list of 7 things you can do is well-rounded!

3/07/2006 8:16 PM  
Blogger hollibobolli said...

I agree, that list of 7 kicks ass.. and I will fully be taking advantage of some of them!!! Damn!!

Now I know why we interrupt each other all the time - I do the same damned thing.

3/08/2006 10:28 AM  
Blogger JC said...

So I'm guessing you'll want me to tune a guitar, take the GRE, and then run 5 miles to take the Jeopardy test. Got it.

3/08/2006 3:48 PM  
Blogger hollibobolli said...

Yes - tuna fish!

3/09/2006 4:22 PM  
Blogger JC said...

Yes - tune a fish!

Karen - I think Anne wondered at one point on her blog if 'meme' really applied. Here is the Merriam-Webster definition:
"an idea, behavior, style, or usage that spreads from person to person within a culture". So, I guess these lists could be a behavior or usage that spreads through the blogging culture. Like bird flu. Cough.

word verification: distufu. Sounds like a disease in it's own right!

3/09/2006 4:51 PM  

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