Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Holiday Blowout Day 1

I made it to North Carolina in one piece and at least no more crazy than I was before I left. There was a moment of panic at the airport when I realized that I packed a crappy, broken pair of headphones instead of my good ones. I could barely hear the cassette tape I was listening to while waiting to board the plane, so I had to buy a pair of headphones in the gift shop. And yes, I said cassette tape. Holli has loaned me a book on tape. Even I, the most technologically backward human on the planet, felt archaic listening to an actual cassette tape! I really do like it so far though!

For dinner we went to a really good restaurant in Chapel Hill called Mama Dip's, which is pretty much soul food. I'd put a link, but the site is under construction and there really isn't much to see except a picture of Mama Dip. Oh what the hell - here it is. My brother-in-law is a picky eater, and it was pretty obvious he didn't want to go to this restaurant. Apparently he wasn't too thrilled with the last time he went. Thankfully my sister stuck to her guns and we went anyway. My sister is somewhat picky due to the fact that she is vegetarian and must have vegetarian options, but as far as the rest of us we will eat anything that doesn't attempt to run away. Which in my case was a couple of fried pork chops. Mmm-mmm.

It does appear that the battle for computer time will be hard-fought, but it looks as though I may have the upper hand because I'm actually sleeping in the computer room. As long as I don't get bitched out for typing into the wee hours. It looks as though we will be having a mini-U.N. convention on Thanksgiving because my sister has invited several of her international co-workers for dinner. That ought to be interesting. Tomorrow we are going to where my sister works to see the lemurs. I think that will be really fun. Oh, and it's really cold here. My thin Texas blood can't handle it!


Blogger Dana said...

Yea! I'm first today! Hehe, I stole that!

Take pictures of the lemurs! Also, I would laugh about the cassette tape player, but honestly, I love them and if I still had one- I would proudly rock it in public! (p.s.- Which book is it?)

Chapel Hill is the bomb! Have fun! Maybe you'll learn something at the G-8 SUmmit. (Also known as Thanksgiving at your sisters.)

11/23/2005 6:40 AM  
Blogger hollibobolli said...

I'm so jealous about the lemurs for one..

I'm running to buck, but I had to comment because horror just ran through my veins. I guess this means I have to find the last tape for you - OMG!!!

It's a 16 tape set of American Pastoral.. when JC opened it, tape 16 was gone. Blame it on Sto Sto!!! I will search like a maniac. Crap. Lookout Lemurs!!

11/23/2005 8:58 AM  
Blogger JC said...

If you don't find the tape don't worry - I can get the book at the library and finish it by actually reading it!

11/23/2005 10:32 AM  
Blogger Michelle said...

I love it that you get to sleep in the computer room. He he.

11/23/2005 3:39 PM  
Blogger hollibobolli said...

You can't finish reading it - it won't be the same!!

11/24/2005 12:16 AM  

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