SPC - Fire 2
The theme for this month is the 4 classical elements - water, air, earth, and fire. I find myself still gravitating toward my natural tendency toward fire. I had 2 ideas for photos that I was not able to realize as of yet, but I'll keep trying. Plan C turned out to be something that looks like my head in a jar. Which is kind of weird, but there you have it. I photographed my face through this pumpkin spice candle that I had sitting around. I like how the eye on the left ended up with that Alex from Clockwork Orange look, that was just one of those happy accidents.

To see other takes on this theme, click here.

To see other takes on this theme, click here.
Labels: SPC
scary cool spc - it almost reminds me of blair witch project.
very creepy, but wicked cool!
How absolutely bizarre!
Ooooo...I like that one!
creepy but intriguing! i love your ideas for this month's theme!
Scarey! But I have to say I really like it. Ewwww! Your eye does look.....um, different!
scary and really great :) color is cool
This is a really great shot. Very Halloweeny.
Very cool. I like the "head in a jar" concept. Wasn't that a song? Or a band?
Very cool, JC. Love the Clockwork reference, too. A difficult exposure, I would think (dynamic range, focus, etc.), but you nailed it. Well done!
BTW ---
Painter said "weeny"
Jeremy - I was going to say the exact same thing. "I'm a weeny alright!" Great minds think alike.
This one is cool, but also kind of scary-SciFi-ish to me....like someone has captured your spirit in there!
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