And A Grackle In A Pear Tree
Spring has sprung here, and blooming trees are over the place. There's an impressive line of Bradford pears close to my house, so I took some pictures. I'm glad I got out there last week because the flowers are fading fast now. Enjoy!

If you see any of these people today, wish them a happy birthday:
Labels: Flora
I LOVE these pics! Esp the ones of the line of trees!!!
PS We had snow this morning!! UGH
These are so lovely. And me with all the friggin snow. Nothing I like to see more that a street lined with the same type of tree. It has such a nice continuity to it all.
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that comment delete was me. blogger won't let me comment and then.....pfft.
i love your photos, a breathe of spring in my winter dreary part of the country.
You are really starting to rub it in! Have you seen all the snow over on my blog? Geesh. Welcome Texas Spring. Sure would like if you came east.
I do love your photos(don't get me wrong). Just jealous.
yours, weirdo
is a grackle a type of bird? pardon my ornithological failures.
JC - these pics are just the best! I so wish that the Bradford's would bloom here. I really am looking forward to Spring. Suppose to get in the very high 60's starting on Thursday.
I was going to say - these pics should please bj. She likes the white twees as much as Faith. Darnit, I hope they are still blooming when my camera shows up. They are so pretty - there is a GINORMOUS one right down the street. I mean, they're everywhere - but this thing is massive. Those are great shots. I wish I could be an eye in the sky - watching you move about your neighborhood taking pics of everything.
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