Surprise, Surprise, Surprise
Friday was just full of surprises:
* I got a call indicating that I will be offered the secretary job! I still have to pass a background check before I will get a formal offer. I pretty much told them that I would accept the offer. I wish the job paid more, but after considering the tax bracket I will be in, I may not be 'in the hole' as much as I thought each month. It will cover most of my expenses, and I will be able to stay in my house. I think it will give me plenty of time to study for school too. Hey, if it totally sucks, I'll find something better! I'm going to have to do some serious work on my sleep schedule, though.
* I got a call from a former colleague at my last job - she had just gotten fired! She asked if I wanted to meet at Starbucks to talk about it, and I said sure. (Time for a weird coincidence: when I heard about the secretary job I called 'Buck to cancel my job interview. I figured there was no point in wasting their time if I knew I wouldn't be taking that job. The person who called me suggested we meet at the same 'Buck! So, 40 minutes after I was supposed to be there for a job interview I was there as a customer!) I learned a few interesting things from my former colleague. After I was fired, they gave her part of my job. They basically fired her for a bullshit reason of attendance (she was actually sick). It seems pretty clear based on what she told me that our bosses' boss had it in for both of us. She had actually been on a guidance plan at the same time as me, but she survived that. I think she was better at arguing than I was, and that helped her stick around longer. I basically had been beaten down by that point and just gave in. She is considering a discrimination lawsuit, which I think would be a huge uphill battle. Call me a cynic, but based on some of the stuff she asked me I think part of the reason she wanted to talk to me was to see if she could get any information to help her with her lawsuit. Before she left 'Buck she filled out an application! I told her they were hiring.
* I got a call from a friend asking if I would be interested in going to hear Bono speak that evening. I immediately said yes because I had heard about this and looked into buying a ticket, but when I found out that the tickets were $50 I decided I couldn't afford it. My friend is a teacher at a local private school, and apparently the father of one of his students is a bigwig with the corporation that was sponsoring the talk and had some extra tickets. I didn't find out until we got there that these tickets were freakin' awesome. They were in the orchestra pit, about 3 rows from the stage. I would say that we were about 30 feet from Bono. Check out the picture of the ticket. Yes, the face value of these tickets was $500!!!!! No Bono pictures, they didn't allow cameras. Now I know that some of you roll your eyes when you hear about a celebrity speaking about a serious subject, in this case AIDS and poverty in Africa. But I have to say that I think Bono is really sincere in what he says, he's done a lot of good in raising awareness and gaining financial commitments from many countries around the world, and his speech was very impressive. I also think it's great that he approaches this issue in a politically nonpartisan way. Here is a link to the campaign that he is supporting.
* I got a call indicating that I will be offered the secretary job! I still have to pass a background check before I will get a formal offer. I pretty much told them that I would accept the offer. I wish the job paid more, but after considering the tax bracket I will be in, I may not be 'in the hole' as much as I thought each month. It will cover most of my expenses, and I will be able to stay in my house. I think it will give me plenty of time to study for school too. Hey, if it totally sucks, I'll find something better! I'm going to have to do some serious work on my sleep schedule, though.
* I got a call from a former colleague at my last job - she had just gotten fired! She asked if I wanted to meet at Starbucks to talk about it, and I said sure. (Time for a weird coincidence: when I heard about the secretary job I called 'Buck to cancel my job interview. I figured there was no point in wasting their time if I knew I wouldn't be taking that job. The person who called me suggested we meet at the same 'Buck! So, 40 minutes after I was supposed to be there for a job interview I was there as a customer!) I learned a few interesting things from my former colleague. After I was fired, they gave her part of my job. They basically fired her for a bullshit reason of attendance (she was actually sick). It seems pretty clear based on what she told me that our bosses' boss had it in for both of us. She had actually been on a guidance plan at the same time as me, but she survived that. I think she was better at arguing than I was, and that helped her stick around longer. I basically had been beaten down by that point and just gave in. She is considering a discrimination lawsuit, which I think would be a huge uphill battle. Call me a cynic, but based on some of the stuff she asked me I think part of the reason she wanted to talk to me was to see if she could get any information to help her with her lawsuit. Before she left 'Buck she filled out an application! I told her they were hiring.
* I got a call from a friend asking if I would be interested in going to hear Bono speak that evening. I immediately said yes because I had heard about this and looked into buying a ticket, but when I found out that the tickets were $50 I decided I couldn't afford it. My friend is a teacher at a local private school, and apparently the father of one of his students is a bigwig with the corporation that was sponsoring the talk and had some extra tickets. I didn't find out until we got there that these tickets were freakin' awesome. They were in the orchestra pit, about 3 rows from the stage. I would say that we were about 30 feet from Bono. Check out the picture of the ticket. Yes, the face value of these tickets was $500!!!!! No Bono pictures, they didn't allow cameras. Now I know that some of you roll your eyes when you hear about a celebrity speaking about a serious subject, in this case AIDS and poverty in Africa. But I have to say that I think Bono is really sincere in what he says, he's done a lot of good in raising awareness and gaining financial commitments from many countries around the world, and his speech was very impressive. I also think it's great that he approaches this issue in a politically nonpartisan way. Here is a link to the campaign that he is supporting.

Congrats on the new job!
I think Bono is sincere too. Some of what he says I don't agree with...but you got to respect him for putting it out there and trying to make a change!
Damn - lots of excitement in one post!! Cool tickets, shitty bosses (got plenty of those in the world) and a new job - YAY!!
Maybe things are looking up!! At least for one of us!
I like all of your surprises! I'm glad you got the job, it sounds like it will be a good fit. Very interesting about the info. from the X-co-worker....those discrimination suits are a lot of energy for a small chance, you're smart to just turn a shoulder and not get involved.
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