Friday, August 12, 2005


Sometimes you see things that just make you think "What the hell?"

Today at lunch as I was leaving the gas station, I saw an overweight woman hooked up to an oxygen tank riding one of those motorized carts (like people sometimes use at the grocery store or Wal Mart) down one lane of a busy two lane road. I guess she either really needed to get out of the house or really needed a cigarette. Either way, I don't think those things are street legal. I felt like I was in a Fellini movie or something.

Now this doesn't classify as weird, but it also happened at lunch so I will put it here. I had one of my life lessons, admittedly a minor one, reinforced for me today: When you order food at the drive-through, ALWAYS CHECK THE ORDER! I go to Wendy's quite a bit on the one day that I usually eat out for lunch because I can get a side salad with the combo instead of fries (french fries have kind of skeeved me out since I saw 'Super Size Me'). I prefer the fat free French dressing, but when I opened my bag o' food later I saw the dreaded ranch dressing (I don't mind ranch but I do mind 23 grams of fat in one serving!). I didn't check the order...I guess I always feel like I'm holding everybody up if I take the time to check it before driving off. I think I will be checking more from now on...


Blogger hollibobolli said...

I don't know that I even like saying "I can't beat that" to something like this.. but my company bought one of those things for an obese smoker in Crazyworld (where I work). She put a pinwheel thing on it and a horn. She flies across the building at breakneck speeds so she can smoke.. Oh - and she has some illness brought on by smoking. And yet the rest of us are constantly in danger of being plowed over as she comes honking and speeding down the hall to go outside and smoke. Welcome to crazyworld.

8/13/2005 8:33 AM  
Blogger hollibobolli said...

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8/13/2005 8:33 AM  
Blogger hollibobolli said...

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8/13/2005 8:33 AM  
Blogger hollibobolli said...

okay - delete my three comments.. faith hit the laptop three times.

sorry!!! bad baby!!!

8/13/2005 8:34 AM  
Blogger JC said...

No problem!

That does sound like crazyworld...

8/13/2005 12:18 PM  
Blogger hollibobolli said...

I'm still eagerly awaiting a post about "the big fix-up".. perhaps I need to get a life.

and btw - I just realized I went against your blog and posted what we had for breakfast.

8/14/2005 4:06 PM  
Blogger JC said...

Sorry to keep you waiting! I had to spend a big chunk of the afternoon shopping for a new mattress (potential future blog entry).

Also, I have been thinking that I might change the name of my blog to 'Nobody Cares What I Ate For Breakfast'. The idea was that it would be a reminder to me to try not to be boring...Of course maybe that's not any better because it implies that people who write about that are boring, which isn't the, I don't know...

8/14/2005 6:25 PM  

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