Papa's Got A Brand New Bag
I’ve joined the ranks of the bag people. You know, those people who bring their own bag to the grocery store. I really hate those plastic bags. They seem to multiply like cockroaches, it takes petroleum (and probably lots of other noxious crap) to make them, and they seem to litter the landscape like crazy, and yeah, they pretty much last forever. So far I just have the one Kroger bag that I have bought and a couple of Trader Joe’s bags that my sister gave me. And yes, I know that it’s ridiculous that my bag was made in China and sent over here on a boat burning fossil fuel, but it’s still better than a plastic bag since I can reuse it.
I just read an article about how in Ireland they have started charging money for every plastic bag used. Subsequently usage has dropped by about 94%. I think that’s a great idea. Sunday at Kroger I found out that they are taking a similar but more gentle economic approach. They give you a 5 cent credit for each reusable bag on your grocery bill. I do like these economic approaches because I think that is the best way to get people to change their behavior – make the desired behavior pay off monetarily. Now granted, the bag cost me $3.99 to begin with (I got the insulated version, others are cheaper) so it would take me 87 grocery trips to recoup that cost, but it’s still a good thing. 87 trips sounds like a lot, but if you figure a minimum one store visit per week that’s only 1 year and 8 months. If the bag lasts that long it’s essentially free. And if you already have some canvas bags around the house you can use those.
Now I just need to do a better job of remembering to bring my bag when I get out of my car at the grocery. Eventually I’ll get it down. And the grocery stores need to have a better way to allow these bags to work with the self-checkout (since they depend on detecting the weight of items the bag makes them think you didn’t scan something, therefore causing chaos unless you have an alert attendant). I have to say I’m a little surprised that one of my most-traveled stores has not jumped on this bandwagon. Target, I’m looking at you. This just seems like the kind of thing that Target would love. I would expect Wal Mart to be a little slow on the uptake, but not you Target! Get with the program!
I didn't have to go far to find one of those damned plastic bags littering the environment - this one is in my back yard. It's from Taco Hell. Try looking for plastic bags sometime, they're everywhere.

I just read an article about how in Ireland they have started charging money for every plastic bag used. Subsequently usage has dropped by about 94%. I think that’s a great idea. Sunday at Kroger I found out that they are taking a similar but more gentle economic approach. They give you a 5 cent credit for each reusable bag on your grocery bill. I do like these economic approaches because I think that is the best way to get people to change their behavior – make the desired behavior pay off monetarily. Now granted, the bag cost me $3.99 to begin with (I got the insulated version, others are cheaper) so it would take me 87 grocery trips to recoup that cost, but it’s still a good thing. 87 trips sounds like a lot, but if you figure a minimum one store visit per week that’s only 1 year and 8 months. If the bag lasts that long it’s essentially free. And if you already have some canvas bags around the house you can use those.
Now I just need to do a better job of remembering to bring my bag when I get out of my car at the grocery. Eventually I’ll get it down. And the grocery stores need to have a better way to allow these bags to work with the self-checkout (since they depend on detecting the weight of items the bag makes them think you didn’t scan something, therefore causing chaos unless you have an alert attendant). I have to say I’m a little surprised that one of my most-traveled stores has not jumped on this bandwagon. Target, I’m looking at you. This just seems like the kind of thing that Target would love. I would expect Wal Mart to be a little slow on the uptake, but not you Target! Get with the program!

My groovy, and oh so stylish, reuseable grocery bag.
Wow. I really love this idea, almost as much as I love Kroger! It is such a simple concept, yet something I have never thought of doing. I do use the little plastic baggies for picking up Andy Doo in the backyard...but I've been promised a doggie septic tank to drop the nasty deposits in, so once I have that, I'll only need a bag to cover my hand when I'm picking up said Poo. I'll seriously think about doing this then. Little steps add up. Sorry if this grossed you (or your readers) out!! Something I've done the past few years for the environment is stop using all unnatural cleaning products...I just use vinegar and baking soda. I mean really, how antiseptic does a house really have to be?
I love my reusable bags! I have about 5 now - most are from Whole Foods. I use them for everything because they are so sturdy!! I feel good about using them too. Even though it is a small thing, it's a contribution to helping the environment!
You have learned well.
I wish stores would charge here, and yes incentive is not too bad. Stop and Shop gave away some bags back in the summer. I still use them even though we're Price Chopping now.
Keep some in the car, or by the front door. That's what we try to do. I want a mesh one to stick in my purse.
Everywhere in Germany charges you if you want a plastic bag. I had a couple cheap canvas ones there, but can't find them now. I have however gotten five from our commissary that I use every time I go (although I still need a few plastic bags on top of the canvas). The Bakers (grocery store) here sells canvas bags for $0.99 and gives you the five cents for every bag you bring in also.
Several weeks ago Target started selling reusable bags too. They come in two sizes (one looks like a little coin purse and unzips into a decent sized bag for 99 cents and the other is even bigger for $1.99 or something). Although they don't give you any kind of refund when you use them, I know that I'm saving the world one plastic bag at a time! ;-) Glad to see others are doing the same!!!
Awww we are SOOO cool-we have matching Kroger bags!! I got mine a few months ago and I love it. Is it wrong of me that I take it into other stores with the Kroger logo on it? I say you start carrying this thing around Target and maybe someone will get the hint!
I see more people doing this and I think it's great! I should really jump on the band-wagon with this's important for the grandchildren!
Whole Foods is about to stop offering the plastic bags altogether. I think a lot of stores will follow in time. I have to say (and this will likely be an unpopular viewpoint), but I am not entirely happy about it. I actually reuse the plastic bags quite a bit and am going to be annoyed when I don't have them. I have to teach myself to take canvass bags along like you do. Sigh. It's for the better good, I know.
awesome....i use fabric bags too!
cool..and the bag is blue - just right for this month :)
b - Andy's the dog right?
Kidding! My dad used to bring along a plastic bag when he walked his dogs to pick up poop with. The dog they have now though never poops on walks! I am using environmentally-safe laundry detergent. I tried some dishwasher detergent but it didn't work very well. I need to find one that works better.
t - we have to start somewhere!
pg - I keep them in my car, but they're in the backseat. Maybe I need to move them up front so I'll remember easier.
e - from what I understand Germany is way ahead of us on green issues. I saw the Target ones yesterday. I think they need to do 2 things - promote them more, and make them unisex in design. The ones I saw were a little girly!
c - Cool, we match! I think it's totally OK to take them to other stores.
bj - great point, that's an important reason to do things like this.
a - plastic bags are convenient. That's one reason why changes like this can be so difficult to make on a widespread basis. I use the ones I have as trash bags in my small trash can. But I think I am going to quit. But it brings up a good point - what about large trash bags? I don't know of any good alternatives for those yet. D'oh!
ves - somehow I figured you used them. You know, what with your environmental posts and all!
ved - I didn't even make the connection to the SPC theme! Maybe I'll have to do a portrait with the bag!
We bought two Whole Foods bags (was I talking to you when we did that???) Either way, you influenced me to do that.. so yay you!! We also bought a library bag. Don't know that we saved anything with that..
yikes - I never thought about the doggie bags. I'll have to think about the options there.
I love the reusable grocery bags and have about a dozen of them. I tend to forget to bring the in to the store and then end up buying another one. Oh well, it's still better than plastic.
I recently saw a man carrying a Target bag, so they can't be THAT girly, JC. ;) I'm not down with being a walking advertisement for any big business, so I bought four plain hemp canvas bags and two produce bags last summer from They've worked out to be a great investment. I even brought some along on vacation with me and they really came in handy.
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