Tuesday, August 22, 2006
Current Netflix Movies
Current Reading
Current TV
What I Ate For Breakfast
- 1 bowl of Kroger Organic Instant Oatmeal
- 1.5 cups Trader Joe's Salvadoran Peaberry coffee, iced, with skim milk (French press, black on weekends)
Previous Posts
- Loose Ends
- When in Rome (Er, Or Memphis)
- Couple O' Things
- Self Portrait Tuesday - Confined Spaces 3
- Help Me Get Moist
- A Tour of the Memphis Warehouse District Pt. 2
- A Tour of the Memphis Warehouse District Pt. 1
- Chocolate Jesus
- Tom Waits Part 2 - The Show

What a great shot! I love this.
Did you set it on the timer and throw it into your mailbox?? (Or perhaps you have tiny photographing elves in your box?)
I love it! Very creative!
so nice. the best mailbox photo ever! and look at your well-groomed beard.
Very imaginative shot! Very cool :)
What a great idea!!
Now I want to go set my camera in all sorts of things and click away :)
Oh!!! This is so great!!!
How original-I really think this is fab.
*LMAO* I love this photo!
I feel like an idiot being on the end of a list saying how great this shot it, but Great Shot.
I have often felt enclosed by my addiction to mail, whether it be electroinc or snail. Nice lighting and use of teh sapce. Loved it!
I feel like an idiot being on the end of a list saying how great this shot it, but Great Shot.
I have often felt enclosed by my addiction to mail, whether it be electroinc or snail. Nice lighting and use of teh sapce. Loved it!
I love this one! Really, really cool.
Awesome. I like how your fingers are curled.
Congrats on being a fave for this week! :)
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