Couple O' Things
I'm getting a new cable company. Yeah, I know - boring, and this is usually the type of thing I wouldn't give two shits about. Until I received the mailer shown below. These people are just way too happy about this impending corporate shift. It frightens me.

Especially this guy:

Now I will just feel angry and confused when paying my cable bill. Do you think this is the reaction they were going for? If so, mission accomplished!
Oh, and another thing. This guy was humming "Camptown Races" on the elevator today. What is this, the 1800's?

Especially this guy:

Now I will just feel angry and confused when paying my cable bill. Do you think this is the reaction they were going for? If so, mission accomplished!
Oh, and another thing. This guy was humming "Camptown Races" on the elevator today. What is this, the 1800's?
I dont see any good coming from the change sucked,t.w.c. sucks too....after playing 'will my modem work today' one too many times, and dealing with the english-as-a-second- language customer service people, I am almost ready to throw in the towel and avoid technology altogether. Im going to start an amish community here.
Maybe the Camptown Races dude knows some creative alternate lyrics. :-)
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