Friday, July 14, 2006

Who Am I, Where Am I?

This work schedule is totally kicking my ass. I don’t know how you moms deal with the sleep deprivation that comes with having kids. There’s a reason that it’s a torture method! Sleep deprivation also makes you feel stupid. I think my IQ has dropped about 50 points this week - it's like I react to everything in slow motion.

My belief about sleep is that every person has a specific target number of sleep hours that they need to get every night or else they can’t function. And if you require 8 hours, then you can’t train yourself to get by on 5 – it’s just inherent to your makeup. I think I read this somewhere a long time ago, but I can’t remember where. In any event, it seems to hold true for me. And I need 8 hours a night or else I’m toast. This means going to bed at 9:15, which is very difficult for me. Right now even if I do turn out the lights at 9:15 my body doesn’t yet seem ready to actually fall asleep at that time. Maybe when I get exhausted enough it will.


Blogger Liberal Banana said...

I'm the same way. I need 8 hours (but of course prefer um, like, 11). If I get 7 hours worth I'm tired at first, but I can get through the day. And because I get up at 5:20 am, I also have to go to bed wicked early. It sucks.

7/14/2006 11:29 AM  
Blogger kristen said...

My amount of sleep is too high for being a mama although FINALLY we're getting more.

7/14/2006 1:56 PM  

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