Tuesday, July 11, 2006
Current Netflix Movies
Current Reading
Current TV
What I Ate For Breakfast
- 1 bowl of Kroger Organic Instant Oatmeal
- 1.5 cups Trader Joe's Salvadoran Peaberry coffee, iced, with skim milk (French press, black on weekends)
Previous Posts
- SPT Near Miss
- I'm Guessing Her Cat Isn't Named Pickles
- All Hail...The Mantis!
- Turdsday
- Lion-Colored Hide
- Self Portrait Tuesday - Self Portrait As A...
- Here Comes The Sun
- I'm Going To Need About 3 More Slices of Cake Please
- Good Thing It's Rerun Season
- Taco Flavored Kisses

You look very studious.
I never really thought of it as Mission style, but now that I look at it again I guess it is. I need to have the cushion refinished because there are these metal slats that hold it in place that have cut into the fabric in a couple of places.
Kiki, I thought you said very studlious.
OK, not really.
I love that chair! My grandfather has one that looks a lot like that and I've always liked it. Cool pics. I like that you did them in B/W.
your home library. how nice. almost thought this was a real library, but then decieded the flowing drapes and great lighting could not occur in a real library! study on!
I miss studying....can't believe I just said that:)
Great sp.
Nice SPT I need to get back to doing SPTs soon. Love the chair.
I adore antiques, so naturally I wish to steal your chair. ::smile:: It does look comfy and perfect for reading.
Oh by the way, nice feet. Really. (And, no, I don't have a foot fetish. At least I don't think so!)
You look comfy! My husband is back in school and I wish he would look that comfy when studying!
I lovve the B&W here. That chair is a treasure.
Very nice photo! Sure wish we could see your face though! ;)
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