Police Chases Are Stupid
Today there has been a police chase on television. Um, as of right now it's been on for about three and a half hours. On all the local stations. Is this really necessary? My favorite part is all the people who have stopped what they are doing to stand there and watch as if it were OJ and Al. "Look Bubba, it's a truck and it's going 15 miles an hour! And the po-lice are right behind him!"

*LMAO* I think it's hilarious that the chase involves an 18-wheeler!
Yeah, that "statement" was idiotic. What a way to make your point - taking an innocent woman hostage and putting her in harm's way. I'm really glad that the woman (and her dog!) got away safely. I think it's kind of funny that the carjacker is now in residence about 3 tenths of a mile from my house!
My Mom was on the freeway in the middle of a high speed chase in Houston just the other day (http://flinger.us/oma/?p=465) and it's INSANE that there are this many of them damn things.
And an 18 wheeler? Just sad. Very stupid. Usually texas is pretty damn great about the whole judicial thing. Sure they won't fail us now.
...this one was NOT high-speed.
...sadly, we watched too. Felt like SUCH a loser!
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