The Flaming Lips
Last month I finally got the chance to see the Flaming Lips in concert. I’d wanted to see them for a few years now, but they haven’t played Dallas since 2006. A nearby town held its second annual music festival this year, and the Lips were the biggest name act to play the festival. The fact that the show was free was a nice little cherry on top.
Nobody was sure how many people were going to show up, so I wanted to get there a little bit early to make sure I could get in (people with festival wristbands were given priority over those without). The show was held outside at a fairground, so it was capable of holding a pretty large number of people. Upon arriving about an hour before the show was scheduled to start, I was able to walk right in and get a spot that afforded a decent view.
Two acts performed before the Lips. They were Stardeath and White Dwarfs and Midlake. I think Stardeath and White Dwarfs may be the most confusing band name ever. They are fronted by Wayne Coyne’s nephew, whose voice sounds a lot like Wayne. How awesome would it be to have Wayne Coyne as your uncle, and have him let you use his stage setup? I thought they were pretty good. One of the highlights was their offbeat cover of Madonna’s “Borderline”. I also enjoyed Midlake, who hail from Denton (where the festival was held).
Anticipation was high by the time the Lips were ready to hit the stage. They didn’t disappoint upon entry, as the video screen was used to make it look like the band was emerging one by one from a woman’s nether regions. Wayne broke out the human hamster ball and gave a big speech about how he wanted everyone to play nice. Wayne hadn’t taken more than a few steps into the crowd when the band launched into their first song…and the power went out. Wayne headed back to the stage, and after a brief delay the band started again. But no more hamster ball. The power would go out one more time in the middle of the show. I’m not sure what the deal was with that, but I thought it was handled rather good-naturedly. Wayne attributed the outages to a woman who lived nearby using her toaster, and the crowd seemed to take it pretty much in stride. Although I think it maybe cost us a couple of songs from the setlist since the end time seemed to be set in stone, I didn’t feel ripped off. I mean, how can you when the show is free, right?
Overall, I really enjoyed the show. And hearing some of the new songs live gave me a greater appreciation for them. I bought the Lips new album last fall when it came out because of the great reviews. Although there were a couple of songs that I really liked, after listening to it a few times I was feeling a bit underwhelmed. But after seeing them live I like the album a lot better. Some of these new songs are incredibly heavy live. The combination of getting walloped by that heavy-osity, an adoring crowd, and Wayne’s enthusiasm changed how I experience this music when I hear it now. I guess that’s one of the reasons that people go to live shows in the first place. And it might sound kind of hokey, but there were a lot of good vibes at this show. It was a feel-good, party kind of atmosphere, and you got the impression that the band really has an appreciation for their audience.
I came very close to not going to this show, but I’m really glad that I did. I can’t wait to see the Lips again.
Nobody was sure how many people were going to show up, so I wanted to get there a little bit early to make sure I could get in (people with festival wristbands were given priority over those without). The show was held outside at a fairground, so it was capable of holding a pretty large number of people. Upon arriving about an hour before the show was scheduled to start, I was able to walk right in and get a spot that afforded a decent view.
Two acts performed before the Lips. They were Stardeath and White Dwarfs and Midlake. I think Stardeath and White Dwarfs may be the most confusing band name ever. They are fronted by Wayne Coyne’s nephew, whose voice sounds a lot like Wayne. How awesome would it be to have Wayne Coyne as your uncle, and have him let you use his stage setup? I thought they were pretty good. One of the highlights was their offbeat cover of Madonna’s “Borderline”. I also enjoyed Midlake, who hail from Denton (where the festival was held).
Anticipation was high by the time the Lips were ready to hit the stage. They didn’t disappoint upon entry, as the video screen was used to make it look like the band was emerging one by one from a woman’s nether regions. Wayne broke out the human hamster ball and gave a big speech about how he wanted everyone to play nice. Wayne hadn’t taken more than a few steps into the crowd when the band launched into their first song…and the power went out. Wayne headed back to the stage, and after a brief delay the band started again. But no more hamster ball. The power would go out one more time in the middle of the show. I’m not sure what the deal was with that, but I thought it was handled rather good-naturedly. Wayne attributed the outages to a woman who lived nearby using her toaster, and the crowd seemed to take it pretty much in stride. Although I think it maybe cost us a couple of songs from the setlist since the end time seemed to be set in stone, I didn’t feel ripped off. I mean, how can you when the show is free, right?
Overall, I really enjoyed the show. And hearing some of the new songs live gave me a greater appreciation for them. I bought the Lips new album last fall when it came out because of the great reviews. Although there were a couple of songs that I really liked, after listening to it a few times I was feeling a bit underwhelmed. But after seeing them live I like the album a lot better. Some of these new songs are incredibly heavy live. The combination of getting walloped by that heavy-osity, an adoring crowd, and Wayne’s enthusiasm changed how I experience this music when I hear it now. I guess that’s one of the reasons that people go to live shows in the first place. And it might sound kind of hokey, but there were a lot of good vibes at this show. It was a feel-good, party kind of atmosphere, and you got the impression that the band really has an appreciation for their audience.
I came very close to not going to this show, but I’m really glad that I did. I can’t wait to see the Lips again.

It was a beautiful day, but it got a bit chilly after the sun went down. Had the concert taken place one week later, we would've been snowed upon.

Here are a couple of videos that I shot. The audio ain't the greatest in the second one because of the heavy bass, but it's worth watching for the ending.
Worm Mountain
Silver Trembling Hands
Yeah Yeah Yeah Song
In the Morning of the Magicians
Watching The Planets (acoustic version)
Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots pt. 1
Waiting For a Superman
See The Leaves
Convinced of the Hex
Do You Realize?
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