Wabbit West Stop or Bunny Buffet
I'm all about teh creepy on here. So what could be creepier than... bunnies! I've had a plethora of lagomorpha leporidae in my yard recently. I think it has to do with the fact that I'm being really lazy about mowing this year so my grass is getting kind of long. I also think the fact that I don't have a dog helps. My backyard has kind of become a place for the neighborhood rabbits to chill and get their graze on. I sure hope rabbit pellets are good fertilizer!

Labels: Critters
Bunny buns. I heart the last photo.
what sweet bunnies. do you have one or many? i mean, it's not like you have them tagged or anything. so why'm i asking a silly question?
I wuv the bun buns - ESPECIALLY the full mouth zoom. I particularly like cuteness on your blog. I don't think I could deal with freakiness tonight.
yay for fluffy tails!
Awwww,you've been adopted by bunnies!!! Couldn't think of a nicer guy for it to happen to either!
So cute! I love the close-up one of him munching away.
I love bunnies. Nothing wrong with having a few roaming the yard?
Wow, a bunny convention! Cool! :-)
awww,bunnies :) lovely photos
Faith wanted to come back and look at your bun bun pics. She said you need to take them carrots. They like to eat carrots sometimes.
ps - we're watching Mulan.
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