Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Current Netflix Movies
Current Reading
Current TV
What I Ate For Breakfast
- 1 bowl of Kroger Organic Instant Oatmeal
- 1.5 cups Trader Joe's Salvadoran Peaberry coffee, iced, with skim milk (French press, black on weekends)
Previous Posts
- Meow Mix
- I Live to Give
- Concert the Next
- Ween Night 2 - House of Blues
- SPC - Patterns 2
- Ween Night 1 - Stubb's
- Quick Concert Update
- Green Chiles and Some Other Stuff
- Chiles A Go Go
- SPC - Patterns 1

this is wicked cool, albeit a little creepy. the contrast is great and so is your shadow. a little lecter like, i agree...
this is really cool, great portrait :) just love the shadows
Definitely something sinister about that shot. I see that you decided to wear clothes... just this once? :)
great shot i love the shadow patterns...
This is a little creepy, very cool pattern.
It makes me think of a heating grate my granny had in the floor of her house when I was a little girl. I burned the crappola out of my foot on that sucker one winter when my brother, sister, cousins, and I were chasing each other through the house! (Naturally after we'd been told several times not to run in there. Heh.)
I really like this photo! It's sort of claustrophobic-feeling to me, but very cool!
I actually thought I might get some comments about creepiness this week. Seems to happen a lot. I'm not sure what that means - maybe I'm just a creepy dude? I really seem to like darkness and shadows. I think it comes from not being comfortable "putting myself out there". I like to lurk in the darkness because then I don't have to worry as much about what people will think when they see me, which I don't like to think about. I didn't want to censor myself - I want to be be honest with these. But thanks for the positive words!
anna - for some reason I'm just not feelin' the nekkidness this week. I'm sure all three of my readers just thought "Thank God!"
nice allusion! great photo though. you're so creative when you play with light.
great capture!
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