Friday, July 28, 2006

Elevator Addendum & Self Diagnosis

This should have gone in my elevator post from last week, but I just thought about it yesterday. Is it possible that the “Up” elevator button on the first floor of the building where I work could be the dirtiest piece of real estate on God’s green earth? Think about it, a large majority of the people entering the building end up pressing that button, and who knows where the hell they have been? Picking their nose, scratching their nether regions, etc. I am a high-functioning germophobe, meaning that even though the thought that that button is horribly dirty doesn’t keep me from pressing it, but I use my knuckle and I make sure to wash my hands soon after arriving at work.

I think I’m going to be spending a good deal of the weekend naked. And not for any fun reasons. I’ve developed a self-diagnosed case of contact dermatitis, I’m thinking from fabric softener. I determined last year that I am allergic to fabric softener sheets, so I have since started using liquid fabric softener. Apparently I’m now allergic to that too. It must be the fragrance that it contains that’s irritating my skin. I have been using it on pretty much every load of laundry, are you only supposed to use it occasionally? I think to be safe I’ll just quit using it entirely.


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