Wednesday, July 26, 2006

The Homeowners ASSociation or Sir, Please Trim Your Bush

I received a nice little mash note a week ago Friday from my friendly neighborhood homeowner's association. They want me to prune a shrubbery that I planted to hide an ugly electric transformer box near the street. In days of yore I would have ignored this request, but the HOA has become rather nasty lately and have gotten pretty gung-ho about levying fines. And I while I think this is a bush-league request (hardy har har), what're you gonna do?

I really didn't want to have to prune this shrub, but I guess it's better than having to cut it down completely. It's a waxleaf ligustrum, though, so it can grow to be about 15 to 20 feet tall, so I'll probably have to prune it often.

I like how they had to create a special sticker for this complaint. Their request was a bit general, telling someone "Prune your hedge" is a bit like telling someone "Drive your car". Do you want it shorter, skinner, thinned out, what the hell do you want?! I decided to do my own interpretation, I'm sure if they don't like it they'll let me know.




Blogger Rebecca said...

what, no instructions on how to prune? they should have sent someone over to guide your hand as you trimmed your plant. saying bush in that sentence was just too loaded. or something. hopw you get a report card in the mail saying how well you did on your pruning. we got an anon letter once from a "neighbor" who saidi something like our home was the scourge of the neighborhood. i was steamed for a while, but then didn't do much about it, really. i'm just in an older neighborhood where most of the owners are really old and they hire people to do their yard work.

7/26/2006 8:15 AM  
Blogger Tish said...

Great job trimming your bush, JC!

(Wow. Never thought I'd actually get to use that line.)

7/26/2006 7:52 PM  
Blogger kristen said...

Bush bastards! Maybe they've got some new chicky in the office that's a fan of brazillian's and that's why she wants bush trimmed everywhere. (=

7/28/2006 7:33 AM  
Blogger Deb R said...

I liked the before pics. The after pics are fine too, but I honestly don't see WTF they were complaining about. It looked FINE before! I think most HOAs are made up of people who have waaaay too much time on their hands and just go around looking for stuff to bitch about.

7/28/2006 9:05 AM  

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